The epididymis is a single, narrow, tightly-coiled tube that connects
a testicle to a vas deferens in the male reproductive system.
Can epididymitis treatment Go Away Naturally If It Is Left Untreated?
are born with self-healing system which can cure 60% to 70% disease and
discomforts. And how does it work? According to modern science,
self-healing is composed of defense system, stress system, immune
system, repair system, endocrine system, and several other subsystems.
They coordinate together to maintain the health of the body. In
addition, natural human hormone, human immune cells and human antibody
play an comprehensive role in the process of curing diseases.
as self-healing system is, it cannot cure all diseases. but why? it's
not yet known. Maybe the power of some diseases surpass the power of
self-healing system. Unfortunately, epididymitis is one of the " some
diseases". If left untreated, it can bring troubles with varying degrees
of pain, even result in sexual dysfunction or infertility.
What Can Happen If chronic epididymitis treatment Is Left Untreated?
-If infected with epididymitis, people will suffer from many symptoms, inclulding:
symptoms of acute epididymitis which cause discomfort include:fever and
chills, pain in the abdomen, redness and swelling of scrotum, dysuria
and abnormal discharge through penis, painful and urgent urination, pain
and swelling frequently in only one testis. In the chronic form, the
patient may have painful point tenderness but may or may not have an
irregular epididymis upon palpation, though palpation may reveal an
indurated epididymis.
-If left untreated, epididymitis can lead to a range of complications, including:
chronic epididymitis – the inflammation can become persistent, even when there is no bacterial infection
abscess – a ball of pus can accumulate inside the epididymis or nearby structures, requiring surgery to drain the pus.
destruction of the epididymis – the inflammation because of chronic
epididymitis can damage or even destroy the epididymis and testicle,
which can lead to infertility.
chronic pain due to untreated chronic epididymitis.
spread of infection – the infection can spread from the scrotum to any other structure or system of the body.
In conclusion, epididymitis will never go away and always trouble people if they don't take any medical treatments.